Mosquito Control

The City of Ashland will be treating for mosquitos throughout the entire City. Insecticide will be applied throughout each of the Wards and will also include the areas of Brookside Park, Brookside West Park, Cahn Grove Park, Community Soccer Stadium, Spring Run Park on 16th Street, Emmons Field, Miller Field, Evergreen Park, and Davis Road Parks utilizing the services of an area contractor. 

The mosquito control application uses a combination of fogging and spraying, depending on the size of the area. The larger parks will utilize fogging around the perimeter of the parks, the ballfields, and the tree lines with minimum impact to the fields and grass areas. The city streets and smaller parks will be sprayed or fogged. To find out more about the insecticide used, please see the material safety data sheet for the insecticide below.

Material Safety Date Sheet for Mosquito Adultacide


Wards 1 & 2 - July 13 & July 17, 2023

Wards 3 & 4 - July 14 & July 18, 2023

Ward Map

The application of the insecticide will begin at approximately 8:00pm. In order to limit the risk of human exposure, the time of application follows the conclusion of all scheduled park activities including ball games, concerts, and pavilion use.

Please remember that Ashland City Parks 
close at 10:00pm