Sanitation Department

Our department is dedicated to keeping our city clean and safe for all residents and visitors.

We provide a variety of services to keep Ashland clean and healthy, including trash and recycling collection, bulky item pickup, and street sweeping. Our team of trained professionals works hard to ensure that all of our services are provided in a timely and efficient manner.

Our trash and recycling collection service is provided weekly to all residents of Ashland. We ask that residents place their trash and recycling at the curb by 7am on their designated collection day. We also offer bulky item pickup for larger items that cannot be placed in a trash or recycling container. To schedule a bulky item pickup, please contact our department.

In addition to our regular collection services, we also offer street sweeping services. Our street sweepers work to keep Ashland's streets clean of debris and litter.

We also provide special services such as leaf and brush collection.

We understand that the cleanliness of our city is important to all residents, and we are committed to working together to keep Ashland clean and beautiful. If you have any questions or concerns about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sanitation and curbside recycling pickup is scheduled once a week in each area within the City of Ashland. Information on pickup for specifics streets is available in the City Services Office at (419) 289-9791.

Recycling Guidelines for the City of Ashland. Residential recycling will be done once each week by the City of Ashland on your scheduled day for recycling pickup, which is a different day from household trash pickup.

When the City of Ashland offices close for government holidays, the sanitation schedule also changes. When the holiday falls on a workday, the sanitation routes for that day will be delayed until the following workday.

Guidelines and schedules for yard waste collection in the City of Ashland

Spring Cleanup Map

Spring Cleanup | 2025

Each spring, the City of Ashland Sanitation Department offers "Spring Cleanup" to residents. This service provides an opportunity for city residents to put out larger items for pick up at no additional charge. The dates given may need to be adjusted during the Spring Cleanup event depending upon weather conditions and the volume of material to be picked up.

Leaf Collection | 2024

Each autumn the City of Ashland works with residents to collect fallen leaves from your curb to create clean and safe neighborhood streets in preparation for the winter season. The dates given may need to be adjusted depending upon weather conditions and the volume of leaves to collect.

trash truck